Greetings and thank you for visiting our website, much appreciated. This web site is designed to give up-to-date information on selected architectural lighting fixtures from the small business owner to multi-site facility managers. You will also find mention of products for the homeowner, but we are focused on bringing energy saving ideas to supermarkets, convenience stores, facility managers, auto dealers, manufacturers, supply warehouses, contractors, etc.
Since I first started back in 1994 with retrofitting old T12 HO’s with T8’s and reflectors, there have been so many changes, with this website being one of the major changes in how we communicate with one another. However, one thing remains the same. Whether you are in the United States, Belize, Puerto Rico, London, Paris, Rome or anywhere in the world, I am committed to giving you the highest quality of service with the utmost integrity and follow through.
I will reply to all messages as soon as possible.
Have a blessed and prosperous day!
Steven Wilson
LED PROS WorldWide
Toll-free 844.LED PROS